Lapsed Projects
Project duration: October 2020 – March 2024
Citizenship Education in the Context of European Values is an Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network focused on citizenship and values education. It is brought by the Faculty of Education at Charles University, in cooperation with partner organisation Children’s Identity & Citizenship European Association (CiCea). The project involves 28 universities from 19 countries and 78 researchers of various specialisations, from experienced academics to Ph.D. students.
The Network has the ambition to become a platform for knowledge sharing and cooperation of experts in the field of citizenship and values education, to which it wants to bring current elements and trends. The outputs of the project should contribute to increasing the quality and innovation of teaching in this area. Charles University is the coordinator of the entire international expert network.
Irina Bondarevska participated in CitEdEV project as an academic coordinator for Ukraine, University of Educational Management, NAES of Ukraine.
Contribution to the project was reflected in
Project report of Working Group 10:
Bondarchuk O., Bondarevskaya I. (2024). Educational policy and social responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic period in pre-war Ukraine. In M. Oprescu (Ed.), Educational policies and social responsibility in education during Covid-19 crisis. Three case studies of Romania, Greece and Ukraine. (in press)
Conference presentations and published abstracts:
- Bondarevskaya I. (January, 2024) Citizenship identity meaning content in conditions of war and internal / external displacement. Book of Abstracts. 3rd CitEdEV International Conference “Connecting Perspectives in Citizenship Education for Strengthening European Values”, Prague. 12.
- Bondarchuk O., Bondarevskaya I. (January, 2024) Challenges of educational implementation for vulnerable groups of children in crisis condition in Ukraine. Book of Abstracts. 3rd CitEdEV International Conference “Connecting Perspectives in Citizenship Education for Strengthening European Values”, Prague. 12 – 13.
- Bondarevskaya I. (May, 2023) Contemporary art in citizenship education: online galleries. Book of Abstracts. 24th Annual CiCea International Conference 2023 & 2nd Joint Conference with CitEdEV “Strengthening Citizenship Education in Times of Conflict”, Madrid, Spain. 42.
- Bondarchuk O., Bondarevskaya I. (May, 2023) Teachers` opinion on educational policy and social responsibility in conditions of overlapping crisis of war and pandemics in Ukraine. Book of Abstracts. 24th Annual CiCea International Conference 2023 & 2nd Joint Conference with CitEdEV “Strengthening Citizenship Education in Times of Conflict”, Madrid, Spain. 25 – 26.
- Bondarevskaya I. (May, 2022) Citizenship activity of young Ukrainians: democracy and human rights challenges. Conference booklet. Citizenship education in divided times: Building connections through values. Prague: CiCea, Faculty of Education Charles University, CitEdEV.
- Oprescu M., Tsioumis K., Karadimou M., Lempesi G.E., Bondarevskaya I., Bondarchuk O. (May, 2022) Social responsibility in education during the Covid-19 crisis – analysis of policies for pre-education in Romania, Greece and Ukraine. Conference booklet. Citizenship education in divided times: Building connections through values. Prague: CiCea, Faculty of Education Charles University, CitEdEV.

Project duration 01.05.2023 – 30.04.2024
Individual project of Anastasiia Schevchenko
Funds: Swiss National Science Foundation
Grant number: 215941
Funding scheme: Scientific Exchanges
University of Lausanne, Department of History
Project monograph Рід Гошкевичів у соціокультурному житті України: “нова сімейна історія (“The Hoshkevych Family in the Socio-Cultural Life of Ukraine: “New Family History”) is available to download online.
One of the leading trends in modern historiography has been the use of approaches and methods for comprehension of the subject field of the «new family history», which is part of the «new historical science», or anthropologically focused social history.
Due to their social status, the families of Orthodox priests along with the Cossack officers, nobles, intelligentsia families for centuries accumulated cultural and historical experience. In modern times, they gave the society a number of representatives of the political and intellectual elite. The Hoshkevychs played a significant role among such families.
The purpose of the research is to study the history of the Hoshkevych family as a social and cultural community and its interaction with the cultural and historical environment for several generations.
The chronological limits of the research cover the history of the Hoshkevych family from the end of the 17th century and at least until the middle of the 20th century. The lower limit of the project deals with the origins of the Hoshkevych family, their first documented presence in Ukraine and the formation of the dynasty of priests. The upper limit deals with the end of the life and work of the priest Leonid Hoshkevych (Father Leonid) and archaeologist Iryna Fabricius, and the gradual extinction of the dynasty.
In the study of the history of the Hoshkevych family, theoretical and methodological principles of the «new family history» are supplemented by methods and terminology of genealogy, prosopography, intellectual history, biography, and given the breadth of professional activity of individual members of the family – by church history, archaeology, etc.

The academic novelty of the research lies in the attempt to reconstruct the Hoshkevych dynasty; the determination of the factors of the Hoshkevychs’ social status and professional activity transformation in the post-reformation period. The polarization of political orientations of the Hoshkevych family members due to the crisis of the Russian Empire and the establishment of Soviet power was analyzed on the basis of some examples; the Family Archive of Leonid Hoshkevych’s family, which is stored in the funds of the Kherson Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Oles Honchar, was analyzed for the first time; intellectual biographies of Viktor Hoshkevych and Iryna Fabricius were reconstructed for the first time; a number of little-known archival sources on Hoshkevych’s network connections were updated, which allowed to inscribe the history of the family in the context of the social, cultural and public life of Ukraine in the 18th – first half of the 20th century.
“Applied Psychology in the Context of Societal Changes” seminars had two editions online in 2020 and in 2021. In 2021 the seminar was focused on Organizational Psychology achievements and perspectives. Scientists, educators and PhD students from Ukraine and Moldova met online to present directions of their current research and discuss possibilities for future cooperation.
2021 APCSC seminar organizers:
- University of Educational Management, NAES of Ukraine
- (Central Institute of Postgraduate Education)
- Moldova State University
- Center for Personal and Social Transformations, Ukraine
- G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, NAES of Ukraine
- (Laboratory of Organizational and Social Psychology)
- Institute of Educational Sciences (Moldova)
- The Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists
Please look through video recordings of 2020 and 2021 editions of APCSC seminars on YouTube channel of Center for Personal and Social Transformations