
EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) mentoring/coaching competence categories:
- Managing the contract
- Building the relationship
- Enabling insight and learning
- Outcome and action orientation
- Implementation of models and techniques
- Understanding self
- Commitment to self-development
- Evaluation
ICF (International Coaching Federation) core competences:
- Demonstrates ethical practice
- Embodies a coaching mindset
- Establishes and maintains agreements
- Cultivates trust and safety
- Maintains presence
- Listens actively
- Evokes awareness
- Facilitates client growth
Module (online)
“Art for Non-Discriminative Values in Education: Professional Development”
(Bondarevskaya, 2022)
Certificate of completion – 9 hours / 0,3 ECTS
This module covers issues of interethnic economic trust in the context of non-discriminative values in education. Art-development techniques, online galleries of contemporary art and other interactive techniques are included in the module.
Irina Bondarevskaya, PhD, Associate Professor in Social Psychology and Psychology of Management, Solution Focused Coach
Provides individual coaching sessions in Solution Focused approach and art-coaching sessions with implementation of art-development techniques.
“Choice of optimal solution: psychological algorithms”
This course consists of the following workshops with additional techniques of art-development and theoretical materials. An adult person frequently makes decisions which are difficult to make only rationally in quickly changing world – experience of successful decisions in the past becomes irrelevant in changed conditions of the present. Subconscious of an adult person processes information very quickly but it is not easy to obtain access to results of this information processing. Making decisions only rationally can be misleading as it is easy not to take into consideration a factor which will become crucial. Every person will have his / her crucial factor depending on individual system of values and believes. It is worth mentioning that addressing subconscious in order to choose optimal solution does not exclude rational models of decision-making but is rather complimentary to them (Bondarevskaya, 2022).
Butterfly of Resources (author I. Bondarevskaya)
Wish Hand (author I. Bondarevskaya)
Hands of Reciprocity (author I. Bondarevskaya)
Lotus-Collage (author I. Bondarevskaya)
Metaphor of Staircase in work with actual goals (author O. Uhryn)
Map of Achievements (author M. Tkalych)
Art-development techniques through awareness of feelings, emotions, states help specialists to see changes from the point of view of opening perspective for development, show resourcefulness of permanent learning. In conditions of permanent renewal of skills in order to remain competitive, psychological readiness for constant learning in adult age, despite professional achievements gained by outdated skills, becomes indispensable condition for successful professional activity. Such readiness for constant learning can be also considered as prophylaxis of psychological traumatization in professional crises passing (Bondarevskaya, 2020).
Actualization, development and realization of person’s potential often occurs in the process of shifting from one professional sphere to another. Orientation on personal values in uncertain BANI-world requires awareness of these values and goals as orientation in behavior strategy and actions choice in each particular situation. We consider visual metaphor as inherent component of adult education due to activation of emotional and intellectual spheres in conditions of ambiguous and uncertain meanings (Bondarevskaya, 2020).
Most adult people do not use or minimize fine motor skills which are effective for stabilization of emotional state in any age. Quite often emotions effect decision-making. Awareness of emotions through drawing psychological algorithms, usage of coloured pencils, markers, colour highlighters, coloured plasticine and baking foil modeling engage fine motor skills of arms, promote expression of emotions in creativity, their transformations through creativity and consequently enable to look at the situation from new side, see situation in integrity, in the context, from the point of opening perspectives and opportunities (Bondarevskaya, 2022).